Monday, April 9, 2012

School Coming to a Close

It has almost been a whole year. The first year of college, at least for me, seems like it was over the second it began. It is filled with mixed emotions for many students because they are both happy and sad that the school year is drawing to a close. Being out of state, it is exciting to go back home and see my family and friends but it is also sad since I will not get to see my college friends until next semester starts up. When talking to another student about it she shared the same response, "I was sad at first but at this point I am just ready for it to be over and done with. I want to go home!" This is a feeling many other people have when I asked them how they felt about school ending. Another student said "I will miss my friends and going out, but not the constant work and studying for tests." The consensus seems to be that while college has its fun moments, for the most part the work is why people want to leave.
I am excited to go back home since I have not seen my family since Christmas break. My dad always tells me that being a student is my job and even though it is hard at times, its what I have to do. I didn't truly understand that until college. Being my freshman year it was a large adjustment and continues to be every day, but it also forces you to grow into an adult. It is the first time I was in control of everything that did or did not happen for me, which forced me to be an adult. It has been a long first year and even though part of me is ready to leave, another part of me can't wait to see what comes up next in my college career.

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